Installing Postgres

Instructions for Installing and Configuring PostgreSQL

These instructions are for installation on Ubuntu. For other Linux-like systems, the steps are similar. Mainly the file locations and the installation command (apt-get here) will be different.

  1. Run sudo apt-get install postgresql.
  2. Create user bety: Run sudo -u postgres createuser -P bety. Type bety when prompted for a password. This is the default user the the BetyDB Rails application connects to the database as.
  3. [Optional:] If you wish to administer the database without switching to user postgres (so that you don't have to prefix all your commands with sudo -u postgres) add yourself as a superuser: sudo -u postgres createuser -s <your_ubuntu_login_name>. This will allow you to run all PostgreSQL commands as yourself without a password.
  4. Edit the pg_hba.conf file to allow bety to log in using a password. On Ubuntu, this file is most likely located at /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf (assuming you are using version 9.3). In detail:

    sudo su # this allows accessing and editing the conf file
    cd /etc/postgresql/9.3/main
    cp pg_hba.conf pg_hba.conf-original # optional convenience if you need to start over
    emacs pg_hba.conf # use your favorite editor

    In this file, you will see a line like this local all all peer Assuming this is a fresh install of PostgreSQL, you can give password access to user bety by adding the line local bety bety md5 immediately before this. Then save the file.

  5. In order for the configuration to take effect, you must reload the config files: sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql reload
  6. You can test that user bety exists and can log in by running the following:
    sudo -u postgres createdb -O bety bety
    psql -U bety

Manually dumping and installing BETYdb

In this example, we are dumping BETY from "betyhost" to "myserver"

ssh betyhost
pg_dump -U postgres bety > bety_YYYYMMDD.sql
rsync bety_YYYYMMDD.sql myserver:

Create Copy of BETY

ssh myserver
createdb -U postgres bety_copy

Enable PostGIS

psql -U postgres
postgres=# \c bety_copy

Also see [[Creating a New PostGIS Enabled Database Template | Automated-Tests#creating-a-new-postgis-enabled-database-template]]

Import database

psql -U postgres bety_copy < bety_YYYYMMDD.sql

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    No results matching ""